Legacy Lifestyle

On Becoming a Popular Personal Blog Site

popular personal blog, blog writing, how to become a brand ambassador

In the 10 years of writing a personal blog, I’ve learned so much; mostly about myself, but also about starting a business, blog writing, social media, and even how to become a brand ambassador in ways that feel authentic and organic. My popular personal blog sites have won awards, connected me with amazing friends, and even sent my family on all-expense-paid trips. It’s been a wild ride! 

From Personal Blog to Brand Ambassador

When it comes to this online blog, I’m focused are all about Leveling UP. I’m pushing my blog goals to be specific with detailed strategies on how to get there. Going with the flow can be fun, but I refuse to do anything not aligned with my mission in 2019.

The best personal websites aren’t created overnight. My online friends with popular personal blogs work diligently creating content, securing brand deals, learning new skills in order to maintain thriving digital influencer marketing businesses. This is work! But if I’ve learned anything in the last 8 years is that there’s always room for more personal sites – especially from Latina and Black moms learning how to start a blog where their stories of motherhood can be told.

Popular Personal Blog Sitespopular personal blog sites, interesting personal blogs, personal websites9 Personal Website Tips

The best personal blog sites are ones that are relatable, authentic and capture the reader’s attention. The base of what is a personal blog is connection. In fact, interesting personal blogs are so desirable that brands will pay cash money to be associated with them…. and that brings me to my first tip:

Working with Brands

I love working with the team at #TalkEarly because the content is important to me!!! Talking early and often with our kids about the effects of alcohol can make a huge difference in their life choices in adulthood. I want my friends and other moms raising black/brown kids to have access to the same statistics and information.

You’d think it goes without saying, but when the money starts coming in, be intentional on the brand ambassador roles you accept or seek. As my husband loves to tell me, “not all money is good money”.

Niche Down

It took me a long time to figure this out – for a few years I would write for anyone who’d read – but I’ve learned that you can have a successful personal blog by niching down. I’m here for the moms raising multicultural kids to feel whole in their identities. Who are your readers? What struggles do they have? How can your voice and storytelling inspire them to live their best lives?

Personal or Private Blog?

I’m going to assume you aren’t interested in starting a private blog, but there are great ways to document your journey through motherhood online privately. That being said, be mindful of what you publish online. Although De Su Mama is a personal blog about our lives, I’m still super private about specific details. Some things to think about before posting your blog: names, locations, professional careers, travel plans, etc.

Blog Writing Style

Your blog, your voice! I can’t stress this enough. As you learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you’ll learn how to include the right keywords, but that doesn’t mean your blog design and writing should lack your style or not relate to your readership. The most popular blogs are charismatic in their visuals and storytelling. Be you!

Growth Takes Consistency

It’s hard to tell (because I don’t publish blog posts daily or am on social media all day) but I work on my online business every single day. Last year I set goals to increase advertisement and affiliate income to become more selective in the brands I work with. So when #TalkEarly asked me to join their 2019 crew, I didn’t think twice. Raising kids to be responsible drinkers (or not drinkers at all) is important to my community of moms. Consistency and habits are what makes the biggest difference in our growth.

popular personal blog sites, how to write a blog, best mom blogs

No Skills Required (but you can’t be lazy)

Girl, roll those sleeves up and get to work. You don’t need to be a New York Times Bestseller or a National Geographic photographer to start any website – not a travel blog, a personal finance blog, recipe blog and certainly a mom blog. You’ll learn mad skills as you get to work but don’t let perfection stop your progress.

Create a Free Blog? HA!

Looking for how to start a blog for free? Ok, amiga. When you find free blog platforms that let you earn an income while 100% owning all the rights to your content, you let me know. The truth is, you don’t have to go broke doing it, but to create a free blog that protects your rights as a digital creator is not likely. Invest your pennies carefully, but don’t be afraid to put some support behind your vision.

You Will Need Courage

This is the biggest pain point for me as I haven’t always shown up for my readers in ways that I hold other personal bloggers responsible for. Neutrality isn’t always an option. As I raise my own children, I’m learning how hard I had it growing up. The courage to publically voice your opinion (especially as De Su Mama reached a wider audience) needs to come from you. Trust me – the hate mail will come, the trolls will post nasty comments, and you’ll need to have your head screwed on right to keep pushing despite it.

Big Numbers Aren’t Everything

Comparison is the thief of joy…. and everything else good! I know it’s hard not to notice, but big numbers aren’t the most important indicator of success. You can get paid and not be popular. Do numbers help? Sure. But not without engagement, consistency, and the ability for a marketer to completely understand what your brand and blog mission are.

At the end of the day, 2018 was a year of quiet for me. I needed time to heal and be honest with how I wanted to move forward as a social media influencer and content creator. I’ve spent hours cleaning up my personal blog in anticipation of some great thing in 2019. And that includes working as a brand ambassador for Responsibility.org, sharing essential information on raising our Latino and Black children to have healthy relationships with us, with their hopes and dreams… and with alcohol too.