Multiracial Motherhood

Sibling Rivalry: How Young Does It Start?

inspirational quotes siblings

In having our second child, I was concerned with how Alina would adjust to the new family dynamic. She was two years and three months old at the time Sebastian was born, which is an age of incredible growth and development on its own. How would adding a sibling to her life affect her? Would she be jealous? Angry? Would she lash out in sibling rivalry?

I’ve said this from the beginning, and it continues to be true – Alina has proven to be a magical big sister. She is kind and gentle, never mean spirited. There are instances where we doesn’t want to share or is quick to snatch objects out of her brother’s hands, but she would do that with everyone. Those are skills we work on constantly, and not in relation to her role as a big sister. In contrast, Alina is patient when I am feeding Sebastian, alerts me to his needs and helps me in “taking care” of the baby while I tend to dinner or laundry (or a post).

But it seems my concerns were aimed towards the wrong kiddo, because all of a sudden, at 6 months of age, Sebastian has been the one to exhibit signs of sibling rivalry. Sometimes he just cannot stand his big sister!

Sibling Rivalry

Thankfully, this isn’t my first go-around with a sensitive baby, so I know this phase will pass. Sebastian is entering the developmental stage of stranger anxiety and has a fierce attachment to his Momma. I am with him all day, everyday. I am his source of nutrition (oh! Remember when I lost my breast milk? Well, its back. Told ya’ll I was stubborn!) and comfort. Perhaps because he is a boy, we all thought his temperament would dictate more independence than his older sister had at this age. Alas, that is incorrect. He loves his Momma and simply does not want to share. And especially not with his big sister. Sibling rivalry? Seems like the younger the better in my family!

This is a fairly new observation, but it does seem to be getting more obvious. Thankfully it has more to do with my attention and not a behavior that occurs all the time. Truth remains: Sebastian is not crazy about Alina when he’s either hungry or tired or needing extra love. He grabs her hair, screams hysterically and often times all I can do is laugh. I don’t want Alina to think she is to blame, or that her brother doesn’t like her. After all, at least at this very moment, sibling rivalry is just a phase that can change with the wind.

Sibling Rivalry

For as upset as my little man gets with his sister around, she is truly his favorite person (maybe other than me). Alina can make Sebastian laugh like no one else can. He already copies her, and they exchange loud screams in similar tempos and patterns. It’s so funny.

I pray that these two love each other forever; that they lean on each other and continue to build our legacy after Daddy D and I are gone. I hope they fight and forgive and that true rivalries exist for very short times, if ever at all. I believe honest, unconditional love can be learned through a relationship with a sibling. I love my siblings, and wouldn’t be who I am without them. Daddy D is very close with his siblings too. We are raising our kids purposed for of a strong sibling relationship. Especially since we are sure this is it, these two better get used to each other. Sibling rivalry might make some for a few funny pictures, but its not something we’re allowing to fester in this family.

How about your kids? How young did you see sibling rivalry exist in your family? As a parent, did you feel it was important to foster strong sibling relationships?

  • Jenn
    October 26, 2012 at 11:47 am

    When Jimmy and I decided to have our second child, our oldest was six. We were really worried about the age difference because Aaron would be almost seven when Bella was set to arrive. Before Bella’s arrival, Aaron had one breakdown, even though he was very excited to be a big brother. He thought that no one was going to love him or play with him anymore. This broke my heart. We had to tell him that it was just the opposite. He would have a new person who would adore him and once she was bigger would play with him. When she first came, he didn’t understand why she didn’t do more. (He thought she would be able to play not just sleep) I think what helped was Aaron has school, baseball and his friends to help take away from the fact that a bit of his thunder was taken away by his sisters arrival. Having a new sister made him “cooler” with his friends. Now that time has passed and Bella has grown, he is her best friend. He protects her like no other, makes her laugh when she is sad and really does teach her something each day. Watching them together is one onf the greatest joys of my day. I hope they will always be close, despite the age difference. Haviong read your blog, I will probably watch a little closer to make sure Bella knows that when her brother is annoyed, upset or moody, it doesnt’ mean its because of her. Thank you for sharing!!!

    • Vanessa
      October 26, 2012 at 1:40 pm

      It sounds like you have two amazing kids there, Jenn! Thanks for sharing their story. I didn’t even think about age differences when writing this, but that is a great point!

  • Lisa Cash Hanson
    October 26, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    Still just one for us so far 🙂 I want to tell you I LOVE your new design so beautiful 🙂 Super cute picture BTW 🙂

    • Vanessa
      October 26, 2012 at 11:22 pm

      Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!

  • Connie Gomez
    November 1, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    Oyi. Where to start. When I was preggers Santi LOVED the belly. When Cami was born he was ecstatic..but only 18 months old 🙁 When I brought Cami was a whole other story… Santi didn’t want his Sister there and was constantly making it known. It was frustrating. These days..they have a TRUE LOVE/dislike relationship. They fuss and fight {he is 3 and she is now 18 months} but when they get’s true magic. I too want them to get a long. God forbid anything happen to my Hubby and I, they will be all they have!! I love my siblings as well and I am very close to them…I want Santi and Cami to be the same way… 🙂 Loved this post!!!