Multiracial Motherhood

Bet On My Baby: Sebastian’s Superhero Edition!

toddler baby curly hair on biracial baby

A few weeks ago, I did something I never did when Alina was a toddler: I looked up videos on YouTube for Sebastian to watch. I know, I know. Big deal. But Alina was the chillest kid compared to my wild boy, and I needed a few minutes to focus, so I took the technology plunge. I checked out an amazing Spiderman stop motion photography series and let him zone out. Little did I know that I would create a HUGE obsession with the insect superhero!

So when Walmart prompted me to create an in-home challenge for my little superhero in celebration of the second season of ABC’s hit show, Bet On Your Baby, I immediately thought of Sebastian’s growing love of action figures. In Bet On Your Baby, parents are asked to predict their toddler’s behavior for the chance to win money towards their college education – even a full scholarship! How cool is that?! Anyway, I wondered…. if Sebas was given the choice between three superhero action figures (including his beloved Spiderman), who would he choose?…

Bet On Your Baby Home ChallengeBet On Your Baby Home Challenge

I picked up two of these Marvel Action Figures from Walmart at less than $8 each (I couldn’t pass up the adorable jammies, too) and set them up in his room with his favorite Spiderman front and center. We asked him over and over, “Where is your Spiderman?! Where did he go?!”, and when he finally found Spiderman and friends, you’d be surprised at what our boy did…

In ABC’s show, Bet On Your Baby, the area in which the challenge is conducted is called the “Babydome”. It’s wildly cute and filled with all things a little kid would love. One parent makes the bet, the other goes in with the baby. It’s totally a comfortable, happy and no-stress experience for the little ones… and SO CUTE!

Also coming back for a second year, Walmart is a proud presenting sponsor for the show, in partnership with Luvs. Bet On Your Baby’s premiere is Saturday, May 31, 8/7c on ABC. The season will run from May 31-July 19th. You can own all of the toys you see featured on Bet On Your Baby at your local Walmart.

And make sure you tweet along with the show at #BetOnYourBaby! For every tweet on the hashtag, Luvs is donating a diaper… up to 10,000!

Bet On Your Baby Home Challenge Bet On Your Baby Home Challenge
Bet On Your Baby Home Challenge

As you can see in the picture above, my little superhero chose to ditch his Spiderman for Iron Man… which was what my bet was! Man, put me on that show so I can win this boy some college money!

So, here’s another thing: Walmart asked me to do a video. Ay Dios mio, I get that vlogging is totally the future of the online world. But the anxiety! Anyway… instead of writing a script and putting on makeup, I decided to complete wing my very (very,very,very… as you see in the video. Goodness, get a script Vanessa!) vlog without preparation. At the end of the day, I love how it turned out. Mostly because of Sebastian’s adorable reaction and the fact that I now have this fun memory documented in a whole new, multi-media, way! Looks like vlogging is in our future, after all.

Wanna know what Daddy D and Alina’s bets were? Check out this silly little video and let me know what you think!

*Disclosure: As a member of the Walmart Moms program, I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and efforts in creating this post.

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