Legacy Lifestyle

Eat It To Beat It! By David Zinczenko

eat it to beat it, eat this not that, healthy eating

If just for the knowledge, I enjoy reading books and blogs that realistically help me lead a healthier life. Especially when I first became pregnant with Alina, almost 5 years ago, my need to eat whole and clean became an obsession. My sweet girl is turning four next week and is hardly ever sick, in part, I believe, because of the very healthy diet I fed her (and that I ate while breastfeeding). Although my life’s realities are way busy now, returning to a new wholesome diet is a focus for 2014.

So when Walmart asked me to review the new book from David Zinczenko, author of the Eat This, Not That series, Eat It To Beat It!: Banish Belly Fat – And Take Back Your Health – While Eating the Brand Name Foods You Love! I decided to give it a try. Zincenjo takes a “real life” perspective on healthy eating and takes into account that Americans love their fast and processed foods, aiding us in choosing more clean. In addition, Eat It To Beat It! focuses on foods that aid readers lose weight, beat diabetes, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, boost immunity and improve mood.

From whole grains to peanut butter to yogurt, it’s clear that we really have no idea what we’re putting in our mouths when we open a jar (or go out to dinner). The thought of my babies eating wood chips – even after I bought a more expensive item – makes me sick. This book serves as a guide and educates us further on food labels and ingredient lists.

eat it to beat it, eat this not that, healthy eating


Here’s the dirty little secret the diet industry doesn’t want you to know: Losing weight is much easier than you think.

I know, I know: If you’ve watched the afternoon talk shows or the late-night infomercials, visited a gym, or checked out a weight-loss website, then you’ve received thousands of messages about how you need to cut out fat, I mean carbs, I mean dairy, I mean gluten; about how you need to work out with Zumba, I mean Crossfit, I mean P90X, I mean Bowflex; about how you need to eat for your blood type, I mean pH level, I mean body composition, I mean astrological sign. Things have gotten so bizarre that there’s now a program called the K-E Diet in which you take in all your food through a tube going up your nose.

eat it to beat it, eat this not that, healthy eating

What I Wasn’t Crazy About

While I mostly enjoyed the book, the common restaurants Zinczenko uses as examples are ones we rarely eat it. He lists virtually no Mexican restaurants, which is our go-to fast food (think Baja Fresh, Cafe Rio and a local, most tantalizing place called Zaba’s). While these choices might not be the worst, I know for a fact it can’t always be good for you. Inclusion of these popular menu items would have been nice for those of us that live on bleak beans and rice.

What I Really Liked About the Book

I was amazed how bad some “healthy” grocery options are. Like seriously, how can labels like “All Natural” or even organic be so misleading? I’ve been making small changes in the way we eat at home for some months now, but if my $4/loaf bread is still bad for me, it’s time to up the ante even more.

Overall, I enjoyed the read and the fact that it got me thinking more critically on the foods we buy at the grocery store. I do wish the restaurant section had more examples that applied to us, but overall is an eye opening read.

Eat It To Beat It retails for $22, but you can find it at Walmart for $13.92.
Disclosure: As a participant of the Walmart moms program, I’ve received product samples and compensation for my time and efforts creating this post. All opinions are my own.

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