Immersion Bilingual Education

The Ultimate Dual Immersion Back-to-School Shopping List

dual language spanish immsersion back to school checklist

Summer is coming to an end and, though it’s been magical, I’m excited to start another year of dual language education! It’s absolutely amazing to watch my (previously) monolingual children improve their fluency and reading abilities in two languages throughout the school year. Raising bilingual and biliterate children would be impossible without the support of our progressive school district and the teachers who love our babies. There aren’t enough words to express how spectacular this educational experience has been for our family.

So to support my little bilingual learners, I worked with Amazon to create an Idea List of Back-To-School essentials, specifically curated for parents of dual language students. Check the list for yourself! It has everything from bilingual notebooks and responsibility charts to high-quality lunch bags and backpacks with fabrics and prints that give cultural nods to our heritage, and even language games that get the whole family involved.

dual language spanish immsersion back to school checklist

Back-to-School Shopping Made Easier

This year I decided to make shopping as easy as possible and bought all our back-to-school supplies on Amazon’s Back-to-School Store makes it easier than ever to find what I need without having to battle lines. I can search by grade – from pre-school through grade 12 – or by product category. I can even search by the best deals!

But the best part of shopping for BTS on Amazon is the convenience of finding exactly the products I need to support my bilingual child’s dual immersion education while at school and at home. Amazon customers will find so many items available with FREE Shipping, every day, year-around. And, like always, Amazon Prime members receive unlimited Free Two-Day Shipping.

Check out our ultimate back-to-school list for dual immersion students. And if you have any recommendations on things to add to the list, we’d love to hear them!

dual language spanish immsersion back to school checklist

Dual Immersion Back-to-School Favorites

Back-to-school season is a big deal for any kid, but being a dual language learner requires a bit more support. Ensuring that the kids see my excitement with their progress keeps them motivated. Stocking up on fun ways to support their learning at home is always a great way to reinforce fluency.

We love the fun games that are on our Dual Language Bilingual Learners Amazon Idea List because they involve the whole family. Culturally relevant textiles and fabric patterns are also a nuanced way to remind our kids of the rich heritage they’re now a part of. Popular tech tools that make it easy to practice language at home are a must. And bilingual charts and planners unite their lives at home and at school.

This time of year is so exciting and, as we get ready to send our babies further into their language education, I love knowing that we’ve stocked up on things that will support their dual immersion education even while they’re at home.

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